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Catholic Social Teaching

Understanding Catholic Social Teaching: A Guide

At St Francis we believe in nurturing not just the minds, but also the hearts and souls of our pupils. Central to this mission is our commitment to Catholic Social Teaching (CST), a cornerstone of our educational philosophy that instils values of love, justice, and peace in our young learners.

What is Catholic Social Teaching?

Catholic Social Teaching is a collection of principles that guide us in living out the Gospel in our daily lives. Rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the tradition of the Church, CST emphasises the dignity of every person, the importance of community and family, and our responsibility to care for those in need.

Key Principles of Catholic Social Teaching:

Human Dignity: Every person is made in the image of God and deserves respect and care, and we take part in Diversity Week to celebrate the uniqueness of every individual. 


Community and Participation: We are called to be active members of our communities and to work together for the common good. At St Francis we worked together with members of the community through our Harvest appeal, Macmillan coffee morning, Great Tommy Sleepout and many more events where we reach out to our local and wider community.


Option for the Poor and Vulnerable: We should prioritise the needs of the less fortunate and advocate for their well-being. We raised a total of £417 by taking part in a Sponsorthon to raise money for the Catholic Children's Society who support disadvantaged children and their families.

Rights and Responsibilities: Each of us has rights that must be protected and responsibilities we must fulfil. Our Digital Leaders work hard to raise awareness of how to stay safe online. Here is an example of one of their presentations to the rest of the school.

Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers: Work is a form of participating in God’s creation, and the rights of workers must be respected. When the Mini Vinnies attended a Mass held at St George's Cathedral in Southwark, Archbishop John Wilson reminded us that God calls us all to be brilliant through the work that we do.

Solidarity: We are one human family, regardless of our differences, and we must work for justice and peace for all. In solidarity to our brothers and sisters across the world who are suffering from the devastating effects of climate change on our planet, we took part in The Big Lent Walk.

Care for God’s Creation: We are entrusted with the care of the Earth, our common home.

How We Integrate CST in Our School

Curriculum Integration: Our lessons incorporate these principles, encouraging pupils to think critically about social justice issues.

Service Projects: Pupils participate in various service activities, helping them practice compassion and generosity.

Community Building: We foster a strong sense of community through collaborative projects and family engagement.

Environmental Stewardship: Our eco-friendly initiatives teach pupils the importance of caring for the planet.


By embracing Catholic Social Teaching, we aim to develop well-rounded individuals who are not only academically proficient but also compassionate, responsible, and active members of society. We look forward to partnering with you in this important mission

 For more information please click on this link  Catholic Social Teaching in Three Minutes