Year 3
St Mark
Children in St Mark’s Class are taught by Mr Forster. He is assisted by Ms Laverty.
St Mark is located at the end of the school on the Junior playground. It is a purpose built classroom with toilet facilities and is only 3 years old. It has direct access to the playground and field.
If you have any concerns the teacher will be available at the end of the school day for short informal discussions.
St Luke
Children in St Luke’s Class are taught by Miss Killackey. She is assisted by Mrs Winfield.
St Luke is located at the end of the school on the Junior playground. It is a purpose built classroom with toilet facilities and is only 3 years old. It has direct access to the playground and field.
If you have any concerns the teacher will be available at the end of the day.
Welcome to Year 3!
You are now a Junior! It is a very exciting year.
Home Learning Expectations
Weekly Reading
We expect pupils to read to an adult where possible every evening.
Weekly Spellings
Pupils will receive spellings on a Monday and will be tested every Friday.
Literacy and Maths
Pupils will also receive a literacy and a maths task to complete every week in their Mental Arithmetic and English Skills books. Only one test should be completed in these books per week and the details of which one can be seen on the homework sheet. These will be marked together in class on Thursday and given back out on a Friday. Tasks will also be set weekly on MyMaths.
Multiplication and division
Children will be given a set of multiplication or division facts to learn every week. These will be tested in class most mornings throughout the week.
Class Jobs/Monitors
At the beginning of the year, the class votes for a representative from the class to be part of the school council. Members of the school council meet to discuss new ideas with teachers and feed back to the class.
PE Lessons are on a Thursday.
Your child will need:
Coat (with a hook so that it can be hung on the peg easily)
PE kit
Book bag
Reading book and reading record book
School homework diary
Spelling book
Water bottle
Sun hat and sun cream already applied during sunny weather
Children may (but do not have to) bring a pencil case into school for use in some afternoon subjects. This must be small and may only contain certain items.
Please make sure all of your child’s belongings are clearly named.